Vows and Voiding Them |
Numbers 30:1-16 The Fourth Book of Moses Called Numbers |
Moses [spoke] to the [12] heads of the tribes [about] the children [people] of Israel, saying, This is [what] the Lord [has] commanded. If a man [makes] a vow to the Lord, or [swears] an oath to bind [himself with a pledge,] he shall not break his word. He shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. |
If a [young] woman [who lives with her father] also [makes] a vow to the Lord & [binds] herself [with her pledge] & her father [hears] her vow & her father [holds] his peace, then all her vows shall stand. |
But if her father [overruled] her [vow on] the day he [heard it;] not any of her vows or [her pledges] shall stand & the Lord shall forgive her, because her father [overruled] her. |
If she had a husband, at all when she [made] the [vow] or uttered it [from] her lips & bound [herself by it] & he holds his peace [on] the day he heard it, then her vows [& her pledge with which] she bound [herself] shall stand. |
But if her husband [overruled] her on the day that he heard it, then he makes her vow & [what] she uttered [from] her lips, [then that pledge that] she bound [herself, shall] be of [no] effect & the Lord will forgive her. |
But every vow of a widow, or divorced [woman, that] they have bound [themselves,] shall stand. |
If [a woman makes a] vow in her husband’s house, or bound [herself with a pledge] with an oath & her husband heard it & held his peace & [didn’t overrule it,] her vow & [pledge] shall stand. |
But if her husband has [totally] made them void on the day he heard them, then [whatever comes from] her lips [about] her vows, or [the pledge she uttered &] bound her soul, shall not stand, [because] her husband made them void & the Lord shall forgive her. |
Every vow & binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband may establish it or may make it void. But if her husband [totally holds] his peace [to] her from day to day, then he establishes all her vows,which are upo her & he confirms them, because he held his peace [to] her [on] the day he heard them. |
But if he in any [way makes] her [vow & pledge] void after he had heard them, then he shall bear her [guilt.] |
These are the [mandates,] which the Lord commanded Moses, between a man & his wife, between a father & his daughter, [still living in his] house. |