About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible::

About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible: I was uncertain of how to accomplish this, mindful of Revelation 22:18-19, which says that nobody is to add to, or to take away from what was written in the Bible. After lots of prayerful contemplation, the Lord had it on my heart that I’m not to change the meaning of what is written in the Bible. He has also shown ways to add to people’s understating of that meaning, without altering the meaning, by putting that info within [brackets]. This is primarily accomplished with the KJV Bible and lots of prayers, but at times, BibleGateway.com, Biblehub.com, NIV Bible, Webster Dictionary, and other internet resources, as needed. Debra Seiling

About Understanding the Bible:

Understanding the Bible: After reading Isaiah 28:10 many times over the years and not totally understanding it, it recently became apparent to me that the Lord God has this passage as the means for understanding the Bible. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Isaiah 28:10 KJV. Being prayerful about this passage, and looking up 'precept' in the Webster's Dictionary, it gave this passage a whole new meaning, once 'commandment' is substituted for 'precept'. Within brackets are additional words the Lord had on my heart to aid in understanding the meaning. For commandment must be [built up] upon commandment; commandment upon commandment; line upon line, line upon line; [developing understanding] here a little, and there a little.

The Table Format:

The Table Format: I was overwhelmed with how to explain the process for determining if someone had leprosy in Leviticus 13, which seemed very complicated. After praying, "Lord, if this is difficult for me to understand after reading it many times, how can this be explained to others?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was for me to put it into a vertical chart to visually see the process. This made it much easier for me to follow the progression. After doing so, I prayed, "Lord, how can this be conveyed to readers, so that they can understand this process?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was to put it within the lines of a table. Being a stiff-necked, stubborn person, as it's often called in the Bible, I prayed, asking the Lord God if He's sure that's really what He wanted me to do? I reluctantly put Leviticus 13 into a table format. When I read this difficult leprosy process within a table format, it suddenly became easier for me to understand. That's because it builds line upon line, as explained in the Understanding the Bible section. Shortly after that, the Lord God had it on my heart, to put all of The Books of the Bible in Smaller Chunks within a table format, to aid in understanding, line upon line.


Ezekiel 15:1-8 The Inhabitants of Jerusalem Are Compared to Wood from Trees


The Inhabitants of Jerusalem Are Compared to Wood from Trees

Ezekiel 15:1-8             The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks]

And the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, [why] is the [wood of the] vine tree more [significant] than [the wood from] any [other] tree, or than a branch, [that] is among the trees of the forest? Shall [its] wood be taken [from it] to do any work?

Or will men [take from it] & make [pegs from] it to hang any [handled] vessel [on it?] [Look, the wood] is [thrown] into the fire for fuel. The fire devours both ends of it & [its middle] of it is burned. Is it [good] for any work? 

[Look,] when it was whole, it wasn't [good] for [any] work. How much less shall it [still] be [good] for any work, when the fire has devoured it & it's burned? [Isaiah 44:16-17 He burns part [of it] in the fire & with part [of it,] he eats [meat] & he [turns a spit for] roasting [a] roast & is satisfied. 

[Still,] he warms himself & says, Aha, I have [watched] the fire & I'm warm. And the [rest of it,] he makes a god, even his [carved] image. He falls down to it, worships it & prays to it & says, Deliver me, for you are my god.] 

The Lord God says [this;] Therefore, [like] the [wood from] the vine tree [is] among the trees of the forest, [that] I have [set aside as] fuel for the fire, I [also] will [do the same to] the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And I will set My face against them & they shall go out from one fire & another fire shall devour them.

And you shall know that I Am the Lord, when I set My face against them. [Ezekiel 5:11 The Lord God says; Surely as I Live, [for this reason,] I will therefore also [reduce] you & neither shall [My] eye spare, [nor] will I have any pity, because you have defiled My sanctuary with all your detestable things & abominations.]

And I will make the land desolate, because they have committed a trespass, says the Lord God. [Ezekiel 23:37-39 They have committed adultery & blood is [on] their hands. And they have committed adultery with their idols & have also caused their sons, whom they [bore] to Me, to pass through the fire, to devour them, for [idols.] 

[Additionally,] they have done this to Me. They have defiled My sanctuary & [on] the same day, have profaned My Sabbaths. For when they had [sacrificed] their children to their idols, then they came the same day into My sanctuary to profane it. And, [look,] they have done [this] in the midst of [My] house.]


Ezekiel 14:1-23 Some of the Elders of Israel Sat Before Ezekiel


Some of the Elders of Israel Sat Before Ezekiel

Ezekiel 14:1-23             The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks]

Then [some] of the elders of Israel came to me & sat before me. And the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, these men have set up their idols [within] their [hearts] & put the stumbling block of their [sinfulness, in front of] their [faces.] Should I be inquired of by them, at all? 

Therefore, speak to them & say, The Lord God says [this;] Every man [from] the house of Israel, [who] sets up his idols in his heart & puts the stumbling block of his [sinfulness, in front of] his face & comes to the prophet, I, the Lord, will answer him, according to the multitude of his idols. 

[So,] I may [ensnare] the house of Israel, through their idols [within] their own [hearts,] because they are all estranged, [a.k.a. turned away] from Me. Therefore, say to the house of Israel, The Lord God says [this;] Repent & [return] yourselves from your idols & turn your faces away from all your abominations.

For everyone [from] the house of Israel, or the stranger, [who temporarily stays] in Israel, [who] separates himself from Me & sets up his idols [within] his heart & puts the stumbling [blocks] of his [sinfulness in front of] his face, & comes to a prophet to inquire of him [about] Me; I, the Lord, will answer him by Myself. 

And I will set My face against that man & will make him a sign; a proverb; & I will cut him off from the midst of My people. And you shall know that I Am the Lord.

[Ezekiel 5:15 So, it shall be a [disgrace & a song for taunting with a lesson for] instruction to the nations that are [all around] you, [that are astonished,] when I shall [carry out] judgments [on] you in: anger; fury; & furious [reprimands.] I, the Lord, have spoken it.]

And if the prophet [is] deceived when he has spoken [something,] I, the Lord, have deceived that prophet & I will stretch out My hand upon him & will destroy him from the midst of My people, Israel. [Isaiah 66:3-4 He, [who] kills an [ox, is [like] if he [has killed] a man. 

He, [who] sacrifices a lamb, [is like] if he [has] cut off a dog's neck. He, [who] offers [a sacrifice, is like] if he [has] offered swine's blood. He, [who] burns incense, [is like] if he blessed an idol. [Yes,] they have chosen their own ways & their soul delights in their abominations. 

I will also choose their delusions & will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none [answered.] When I [spoke,] they didn't hear: but they did evil [in front of] My eyes & chose [what] I [didn't delight in.] 

The Lord God says, And they shall bear the punishment of their [sinfulness.] The punishment of the prophet shall even be [like] the punishment of [those, who] seek to [inquire by] him. 

[So,] that the house of Israel may no [longer go] astray from Me & neither be [defiled] anymore, with all their [sins;] but that they may be My people & I may be their God. 

The Word of the Lord came to me again, saying, Son of man, when the land sins against Me by grievously trespassing, then I will stretch out [My] hand upon it & will break the [supply] of [its] bread & will send famine upon it & will cut off man & [animals] from it. 

[Although] these 3 men: Noah; Daniel: & Job were [on the earth,] they [couldn't] deliver [anyone,] but their own [lives,] by their righteousness, says the Lord God. 

If I cause [wild animals] to [cross] through the land & they spoil it, so that [it's] desolate, that no man may [cross] through [it,] because of the [wild animals:] As I live, says the Lord God, [although] these 3 men were [on earth,] they [could] deliver neither [their:] sons nor daughters. 

Only they shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate. Or if I bring a sword upon that land & say, Sword, go through the land; so that I cut off man & [animal] from it. 

The Lord God says, As I Live, [although] these 3 men  were [on the earth,] they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but only they, themselves shall be delivered. 

Or if I send a pestilence into the land & pour out My fury upon it [by bloodshed,] to cut it off from man & [animals: although] Noah, Daniel & Job were [on the earth,] as I Live, says the Lord God, they shall neither deliver [their] son nor daughter. They shall [only] deliver their own [lives] by their righteousness. 

For the Lord God says [this;] How much more, when I send My 4 [severe] judgments upon Jerusalem, the: sword; famine; [wild animals;] & pestilence, to cut it off from man & [animals?] [Still watch,] there shall be [some remaining] left, that shall be brought [out:] both sons & daughters. 

[Look,] they shall come [out] to you & you shall see their [ways] & [actions.] And you shall be comforted [about] the [disaster] that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even [about] all that I have brought upon it. 

[Ezekiel 20:42-43 And you shall know that I Am the Lord, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the country, [of] which I lifted up [My] hand to give it to your [forefathers.] And there you shall remember your ways & your [actions, in which] you have been defiled. And you shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for all your [evil] that you have committed.]

And they shall comfort you, when you see their ways & [actions] & you shall know that I haven't done, all that I have done in it, without [a reason,] says the Lord God. 

[Jeremiah 22:8-9 And many nations shall [cross] by this nation & every man shall say to his neighbor, [Why] has the Lord done [this,] to this great city? Then, they shall answer, Because they have [abandoned] the covenant [contract] of the Lord their God & worshiped & served other gods.] 


Ezekiel 41:1-26 The Man Continues to Measure the Lord's Temple


The Man Continues to Measure the Lord's Temple

Ezekiel 41:1-26            The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks]

[Ezekiel 40:2-3 In the visions of God, He brought me into the land of Israel & [put] me upon a very high mountain, [in] which, [on] the South, was [what looked like] the [shape] of a city. And He brought me [there] & [I] saw, a man was [there,] whose appearance was like brass, with a flax [measuring] line in his hand & a [measuring] reed & he stood in the gate.]

[Later,] he brought me to the temple & measured the [door] posts, 6 cubits [wide,] on the one side & 6 cubits [wide] on the other side, which [were across] the width of the tabernacle. 

And the [width] of the [entrance] door was 10 cubits & the sides [next to] the door were 5 cubits on one side & 5 cubits on the other side. And he measured [the temple's] length: 40 cubits & [its width:] 20 cubits.

Then, he went [inside] & measured [each of] the [doorway's side posts;] 2 cubits; the door [was] 6 cubits [high] & the [width] of [each of] the [2 doors:] 7 cubits. 

And he said to me, This is the Most Holy Place, [a.k.a. The Holy of Holies.] After he measured the wall of the [Lord's] house, [a.k.a. the temple:] 6 cubits & the width of every side [room:] 4 cubits, [all around] the house on every side.

And the side [rooms] were [in] 3 [stories,] one [room] over another & [there was a total of:] 30 [side rooms: 5 on the North side of all 3 stories & 5 on the South side of all 3 stories.]

And they entered into the [walled staircase,] which was for the side [rooms] of the [Lord's] house, [all around it, so] that they might [take] hold [of the staircase rails,] but not hold [onto] the wall of the [Lord's] house. And there was an [enlarged opening] & a winding [staircase, going] upward [to the side rooms] [around] the [Lord's] house.

[1 Kings 6:8 The door for the middle [story] was [on] the right side of the house & they went up with winding stairs into the middle [story] & out of the middle & into the third [story.]

Therefore, the [width] of the house increased [upward] from the lowest [rooms] to the highest, [through] the midst [of it.] [1 Kings 6:5-6 And against the wall of the [Lord's] house, he built [rooms around it,] both of the temple & of the oracle, [a.k.a. The Holy of Holies,] & he made [rooms around it.] 

The [rooms] [on the bottom story] [were] 5 cubits [wide] & the [rooms on the] middle [story] [were] 6 cubits [wide] & the [rooms on the] third [story] [were] 7 cubits [wide.] For [outside] in the wall of the [Lord's] house, he made [narrow ledges around it so] that the beams shouldn't be fastened to the wall of the [Lord's] house.]

I also saw the height of the [Lord's] house & [around it.] The foundations of the side [rooms] were a full reed of 6 great cubits. The thickness of the wall, for the side [rooms outside,] was 5 cubits & [what] was left was the [open] place, [a.k.a. terrace, for] the side [rooms] that were [inside.] 

And between the [entrance of the] [rooms] [outside & the entrance of the rooms inside] was [a distance of] 20 cubits, around, [including the 5 cubit thick walls of] the [Lord's] house on every side [of the first story.] 

And the doors of the side [rooms faced] the [open] place that was left, 1 door toward the North & another door toward the South. [The entrance of the 5 rooms inside of each of the 3 stories on the North side, would open to the South & [its] terrace door would open to the North. 

The entrance of the 5 rooms inside on each of the 3 stories on the South side, would open to the North & [its] terrace door would open to the South.] And the width of the [terrace] that was left, was 5 cubits, all around it.]

Now the building that was [in front of] the separate [courtyard] at the end, [faced] West & was 70 cubits [wide] & 90 cubits long. And the [building's] wall was 5 cubits thick [all around it.] 

So, he measured the [Lord's] house, 100 cubits long. And the separate [courtyard] & the building with [its] walls, [were] 100 cubits long. Also, the [width] of the [front] of the house & the separate [courtyard facing] East, [was] 100 cubits long.

And he measured the length of the building [facing] the separate [courtyard that] was behind it & [its] galleries, [a.k.a. hallways or walkways] on one side & on the other side, [were] 100 cubits.

[This included:] the inner temple; the [court's] porches, [a.k.a. covered porches & vestibules,] door posts; narrow windows; & the [hallways all around] on [its] 3 stories, [opposite the door's threshold,] [which were:] paneled all around] with wood from the ground up to the windows.

And the windows were covered, [even] above the [door, a.k.a. transom window;] even to the inner house, [a.k.a. The Holy of Holies;] & [outside] by all the [walls around it, inside & outside,] by [measurement.]

And it was [carved] with cherubims, [a.k.a. angelic figures,] & palm trees. So, that a palm tree was between a cherub & [another] cherub. And every cherub had 2 faces; so that the face of man was toward the palm tree on one side & the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side.

It was [carved all around] through the [Lord's] house. [There] were cherubims & palm trees made, from the ground to above the door & on the wall of the temple, [a.k.a. Sanctuary.]

The [temple's] door] posts were squared, [as was] the [front] of the Sanctuary. The appearance of one [doorpost] was [like] the other. The wood altar was 3 cubits high & [its] length, 2 cubits. And [its:] corners; [its] length & [its] walls, were [made] of wood.

And he said to me, This is the table before the Lord. And the temple & the Sanctuary had 2 doors, [a.k.a. double doors.] And the 2 doors [each] had 2 [folding] leaves, [a.k.a. panels.] 2 [panels] for the one door & 2 [panels] for the other door. 

And cherubims & palm trees were [carved] on the doors of the temple, like [those carved] upon the walls. And there [was a wooden canopy] upon the [front] of the [outside] porch, [made with] thick planks.

And there were narrow windows, [with] palm trees on [either side of them] & on the sides of the porch & upon the side [rooms] of the [Lord's] house & [on the canopies.]

Ezekiel 13:1-23 Woe to Foolish Prophets Who Follow Their Desires & Haven't Seen a Vision


Woe to Foolish Prophets Who Follow Their Desires & Haven't Seen a Vision

Ezekiel 13:1-23            The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks]

And the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, [who] prophesy & you say to [those who] prophesy [from] their own hearts, You, hear the Word of the Lord. [Jeremiah 13:17 But if you won't hear it, My soul shall weep in secret places for your pride. And [My] eye shall [severely] weep & run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive.]

The Lord God says [this;] Woe, [a.k.a. distress,] to the foolish prophets, [who] follow their own spirit & have seen nothing! O Israel, your prophets are like the [fox] in the deserts. 

You haven't gone up into the gaps & neither [have you] made up the [hedges] for the house of Israel to stand in [during] the battle [on] the day of the Lord. 

They have seen [what is worthless] vanity & lying divination, saying, The Lord says. 

[But] the Lord hasn't sent them. And they have made others hope that they would confirm [their] word. Haven't you seen [what is a worthless] vain vision & haven't you spoken a lying divination, [since] you say, The Lord says it? [However,] I haven't spoken.

Therefore, the Lord God says [this;] Because you have spoken [what is] vanity & [have] seen [what are] lies, therefore, [watch,] I Am against you, says the Lord God. And [My] hand shall be upon the prophets [who] see [what is] vanity & divine lies. 

They shall not be in the assembly of My people & neither shall they be written in the [records] of the house of Israel. Neither shall they enter into the land of Israel & you shall know that I Am the Lord God. 

[Jeremiah 20:5-6 [Also,] I will deliver all the strength of this city; [its] labors; all [its] precious things; & all the treasures of the kings of Judah & I will give [them] into the hand of their enemies, [who] shall [plunder] them & [capture] them & carry them to Babylon. 

And you, Pashur, & all [who] dwell in your house, shall go into captivity. And you shall come to Babylon & you shall die there & you & all your friends, to whom you have prophesied lies, shall be buried there.] 

Because, even [though] they have seduced My people, saying, Peace; and there [wasn't any] peace. And [someone] built up a wall & [look,] others [plastered] it with [mortar that wasn't cured.] [Jeremiah 23:13-14 And I have seen [foolishness] in the prophets of Samaria. They have prophesied [by] Baal & caused My people, Israel, to [go astray.] 

I have also seen a horrible thing in the prophets of Jerusalem. They commit adultery & [follow] [what are] lies. They also strengthen the hands of [those who do evil, so] that none return from his wickedness. They are all of them to Me [like] Sodom & the [residents of it, like] Gomorrah.] 

Say to [those who plaster] it with [uncured] mortar, that it shall fall. And a stormy wind shall [tear it to pieces] & there shall be an overflowing shower [like] [large] hailstones [on] you. [Look,] when the wall [has] fallen, [won't] it be said to you, Where is the [plaster with which] you have [plastered] it? 

Therefore, the Lord God says [this;] I will even [tear it to pieces] with a stormy wind in My fury. And there shall be an overflowing shower in [My] anger & [large] hailstones to [destroy] it in My [rage.] So, I will break down the wall that you have [plastered with uncured] mortar & bring it down to the ground. So that the foundation [of it] shall be discovered & it shall fall. 

And you shall be [destroyed] in the midst [of it.] And you shall know that I Am the Lord. [Like this,] I will accomplish My wrath upon the wall & upon [those who plastered it with uncured] mortar & will say to you, The wall no [longer] [exists] & neither do [those who plastered] it. [That is,] the prophets of Israel, [who] prophesy [about] Jerusalem & [who] see peace for her & there isn't [any] peace, says the Lord God. 

[Also,] you, Son of man, [turn] your face against the daughter of My people, [who] prophesy [from] their own heart & you, prophesy against them. And say, The Lord God says [this;] Woe to the women [who] sew pillows, [a.k.a. charms] to all the [sleeves'] armholes & make kerchiefs, [a.k.a. veils] upon the [heads] of [those of] every [height] to hunt [& ensnare] souls! 

Will you hunt the souls of My people & will you save the souls alive that come to you? [2 Peter 2:14-15 Those [who] can't [stop] from sin; having eyes full of adultery & [enticing] unstable souls. [With a] heart, they have exercised with [greedy] practices, [they are] cursed children: [who] have [abandoned] the right [path] & have gone astray, following the [ways] of Baalim, [Bosor's] son, who loved the wages of unrighteousness.]

And will you [defile] Me among My people for handfuls of barley & pieces of bread, to slay the souls [of those who] shouldn't die & save the souls alive [of those who] shouldn't live, by your lying to My people, [who] hear your lies?   

[For this reason,] The Lord God says [this; Watch,] I Am against  your pillows, [with which] you hunt the souls, to make them fly [like birds.] And I will tear them from [the] arms [of] your [sleeves] & will let the souls go [free,] even the souls that you hunt to make them fly.  

I will also tear your kerchiefs & deliver My people out of your [hands.] And they shall no [longer be] in your hand to be hunted. And you shall know that I Am the Lord. Because you have made the [hearts] of the righteous sad with lies, whom I haven't made sad. 

And [you] strengthened the hands of the wicked, [so] that he [wouldn't] return from his wicked [ways,] by promising him life. Therefore, you shall no [longer] see [what is] vanity, nor [falsely] divine, divinations, [a.k.a. visions.] For I will deliver My people [from] your [hands] & you shall know that I Am the Lord.