Some of the Elders of Israel Sat Before Ezekiel |
Ezekiel 14:1-23 The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks] |
Then [some] of the elders of Israel came to me & sat before me. And the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, these men have set up their idols [within] their [hearts] & put the stumbling block of their [sinfulness, in front of] their [faces.] Should I be inquired of by them, at all? |
Therefore, speak to them & say, The Lord God says [this;] Every man [from] the house of Israel, [who] sets up his idols in his heart & puts the stumbling block of his [sinfulness, in front of] his face & comes to the prophet, I, the Lord, will answer him, according to the multitude of his idols. |
[So,] I may [ensnare] the house of Israel, through their idols [within] their own [hearts,] because they are all estranged, [a.k.a. turned away] from Me. Therefore, say to the house of Israel, The Lord God says [this;] Repent & [return] yourselves from your idols & turn your faces away from all your abominations. |
For everyone [from] the house of Israel, or the stranger, [who temporarily stays] in Israel, [who] separates himself from Me & sets up his idols [within] his heart & puts the stumbling [blocks] of his [sinfulness in front of] his face, & comes to a prophet to inquire of him [about] Me; I, the Lord, will answer him by Myself. |
And I will set My face against that man & will make him a sign; a proverb; & I will cut him off from the midst of My people. And you shall know that I Am the Lord. |
[Ezekiel 5:15 So, it shall be a [disgrace & a song for taunting with a lesson for] instruction to the nations that are [all around] you, [that are astonished,] when I shall [carry out] judgments [on] you in: anger; fury; & furious [reprimands.] I, the Lord, have spoken it.] |
And if the prophet [is] deceived when he has spoken [something,] I, the Lord, have deceived that prophet & I will stretch out My hand upon him & will destroy him from the midst of My people, Israel. [Isaiah 66:3-4 He, [who] kills an [ox, is [like] if he [has killed] a man. |
He, [who] sacrifices a lamb, [is like] if he [has] cut off a dog's neck. He, [who] offers [a sacrifice, is like] if he [has] offered swine's blood. He, [who] burns incense, [is like] if he blessed an idol. [Yes,] they have chosen their own ways & their soul delights in their abominations. |
I will also choose their delusions & will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none [answered.] When I [spoke,] they didn't hear: but they did evil [in front of] My eyes & chose [what] I [didn't delight in.] |
The Lord God says, And they shall bear the punishment of their [sinfulness.] The punishment of the prophet shall even be [like] the punishment of [those, who] seek to [inquire by] him. |
[So,] that the house of Israel may no [longer go] astray from Me & neither be [defiled] anymore, with all their [sins;] but that they may be My people & I may be their God. |
The Word of the Lord came to me again, saying, Son of man, when the land sins against Me by grievously trespassing, then I will stretch out [My] hand upon it & will break the [supply] of [its] bread & will send famine upon it & will cut off man & [animals] from it. |
[Although] these 3 men: Noah; Daniel: & Job were [on the earth,] they [couldn't] deliver [anyone,] but their own [lives,] by their righteousness, says the Lord God. |
If I cause [wild animals] to [cross] through the land & they spoil it, so that [it's] desolate, that no man may [cross] through [it,] because of the [wild animals:] As I live, says the Lord God, [although] these 3 men were [on earth,] they [could] deliver neither [their:] sons nor daughters. |
Only they shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate. Or if I bring a sword upon that land & say, Sword, go through the land; so that I cut off man & [animal] from it. |
The Lord God says, As I Live, [although] these 3 men were [on the earth,] they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but only they, themselves shall be delivered. |
Or if I send a pestilence into the land & pour out My fury upon it [by bloodshed,] to cut it off from man & [animals: although] Noah, Daniel & Job were [on the earth,] as I Live, says the Lord God, they shall neither deliver [their] son nor daughter. They shall [only] deliver their own [lives] by their righteousness. |
For the Lord God says [this;] How much more, when I send My 4 [severe] judgments upon Jerusalem, the: sword; famine; [wild animals;] & pestilence, to cut it off from man & [animals?] [Still watch,] there shall be [some remaining] left, that shall be brought [out:] both sons & daughters. |
[Look,] they shall come [out] to you & you shall see their [ways] & [actions.] And you shall be comforted [about] the [disaster] that I have brought upon Jerusalem, even [about] all that I have brought upon it. |
[Ezekiel 20:42-43 And you shall know that I Am the Lord, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the country, [of] which I lifted up [My] hand to give it to your [forefathers.] And there you shall remember your ways & your [actions, in which] you have been defiled. And you shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for all your [evil] that you have committed.] |
And they shall comfort you, when you see their ways & [actions] & you shall know that I haven't done, all that I have done in it, without [a reason,] says the Lord God. |
[Jeremiah 22:8-9 And many nations shall [cross] by this nation & every man shall say to his neighbor, [Why] has the Lord done [this,] to this great city? Then, they shall answer, Because they have [abandoned] the covenant [contract] of the Lord their God & worshiped & served other gods.] |