About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible::

About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible: I was uncertain of how to accomplish this, mindful of Revelation 22:18-19, which says that nobody is to add to, or to take away from what was written in the Bible. After lots of prayerful contemplation, the Lord had it on my heart that I’m not to change the meaning of what is written in the Bible. He has also shown ways to add to people’s understating of that meaning, without altering the meaning, by putting that info within [brackets]. This is primarily accomplished with the KJV Bible and lots of prayers, but at times, BibleGateway.com, Biblehub.com, NIV Bible, Webster Dictionary, and other internet resources, as needed. Debra Seiling

About Understanding the Bible:

Understanding the Bible: After reading Isaiah 28:10 many times over the years and not totally understanding it, it recently became apparent to me that the Lord God has this passage as the means for understanding the Bible. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Isaiah 28:10 KJV. Being prayerful about this passage, and looking up 'precept' in the Webster's Dictionary, it gave this passage a whole new meaning, once 'commandment' is substituted for 'precept'. Within brackets are additional words the Lord had on my heart to aid in understanding the meaning. For commandment must be [built up] upon commandment; commandment upon commandment; line upon line, line upon line; [developing understanding] here a little, and there a little.

The Table Format:

The Table Format: I was overwhelmed with how to explain the process for determining if someone had leprosy in Leviticus 13, which seemed very complicated. After praying, "Lord, if this is difficult for me to understand after reading it many times, how can this be explained to others?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was for me to put it into a vertical chart to visually see the process. This made it much easier for me to follow the progression. After doing so, I prayed, "Lord, how can this be conveyed to readers, so that they can understand this process?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was to put it within the lines of a table. Being a stiff-necked, stubborn person, as it's often called in the Bible, I prayed, asking the Lord God if He's sure that's really what He wanted me to do? I reluctantly put Leviticus 13 into a table format. When I read this difficult leprosy process within a table format, it suddenly became easier for me to understand. That's because it builds line upon line, as explained in the Understanding the Bible section. Shortly after that, the Lord God had it on my heart, to put all of The Books of the Bible in Smaller Chunks within a table format, to aid in understanding, line upon line.


2 Chronicles 1:1-17 God Gives King Solomon Wisdom & Knowledge to Judge His People


God Gives King Solomon Wisdom & Knowledge to Judge His People

2 Chronicles 1:1-17                       2 Chronicles in [Smaller Chunks]

Solomon, [king David’s] son, was strengthened in his kingdom & the Lord, his God was with him & magnified him exceedingly. Then, Solomon [spoke] to all Israel, to the captains of 1,000’s & 100’s & the judges & to [all the leaders] in all Israel, the [leaders] of the [forefather’s families.]

So, Solomon & all the congregation with him, went to the high place that was at Gibeon. For there was the tabernacle of the congregation of God, [that] Moses, the servant of the Lord, had made in the wilderness.

But the Ark of God, David had brought up from Kirjath Jearim, [a.k.a. Kiriath Jearim,] to the place [that] David had prepared for it; [since David] had pitched a tent for it [in] Jerusalem. 

[Also,] he put before the tabernacle of the Lord, the [brass] altar that made [by] Bezaleel, [Uri’s] son, [who was Hur’s] son. And Solomon & the congregation [inquired of God there.] 

And Solomon went up [there] to the brass altar before the Lord, at the tabernacle of the congregation & offered 1,000 burnt [sacrifices] on it. That night, God [appeared] to Solomon & said to him, Ask what I shall give you. 

And Solomon said to God, You have [shown] great mercy to David, my father & have made me [rule] in his [place.] Now, O Lord God, let Your promise to David, my father, be established. For You have made me king over a multitude [of] people, like the dust of the earth [in number.] 

Now, give me wisdom & knowledge, [so] that I may go out & come in before this people. For who can judge [Your] people, [who are so many?] And God said to Solomon, Because this was in your heart & you haven’t asked [for:] riches, wealth, honor, nor the life of your enemies, neither have You asked [for] long life. 

But [you] have asked for wisdom & knowledge for yourself, [so] that you may judge My people, over whom I have made you king. Wisdom & knowledge [are] granted to you & I will give you riches, wealth & honor, such as none of the kings before you have had. Neither shall there [be] any after you, [who] have the [same.]

Then, Solomon [went] to Jerusalem, from the high place that was at Gibeon, from [being] before the tabernacle of the congregation. And [Solomon ruled] over Israel. 

And Solomon gathered 1,400 chariots & 12,000 horsemen, which [Solomon] placed in the chariot cities & with the king [in] Jerusalem. And king [Solomon] made silver & gold as [plentiful] as [the] stones in Jerusalem.

And he made cedar trees as [abundant] in the [valley] as [the] sycamore trees. And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt & linen yarn: [so] the king’s merchants received the linen yarn [for] a price.

They [purchased] & brought [from] Egypt a chariot for 600 shekels of silver & a horse for 150 [shekels.] So, they brought out horses for all the kings of the Hittites & for the kings of Syria, [as they could afford.] 


1 Chronicles 29:1-30 Israelites Donate Gold, Silver & Precious Stones to Build the Lord's House


Israelites Donate Gold, Silver & Precious Stones to Build the Lord's House

1 Chronicles 29:1-30      1 Chronicles in [Smaller Chunks]

Furthermore, king David said to all the congregation [of Israelites,] Solomon, my son, whom God Alone has chosen is [still] young & [inexperienced] & the work is [large.] 

For the [temple] isn't for [men,] but [it's] for the Lord God. Now, I have prepared for the house of my God with all my might: the gold for things to be made of gold; the silver, for things of silver;

the brass, for things of brass; the iron, for things of iron & wood, for things of wood. [Also,] onyx stones & stones to be [put in settings, glistening] stones, stones of [a variety of] colors, all [types] of precious stones & marble stones in abundance. 

[But] because I have [focused my] affection [on] the house of my God, I have of my own [free will] given gold & silver [to be used for] the house of my God, [over] & above [what] I have prepared for the Holy House. 

[I have even given] 3,000 talents of gold [from] Ophir & 7,000 talents of refined silver, to overlay all [its] walls of the houses. The gold for [the] things of gold & the silver for [the] things of silver, and for all [types] of work to be made by the hands of [the skillful artisans.] 

Then, who is willing to consecrate his service to the Lord, this day? Then, the [leaders] of the [forefathers' families] of the tribes of Israel, the captains of 1,000's & 100's & the [officials supervising] the king's work, offered willingly. 

[They] gave 5,000 talents of gold, 10,000 drams [of gold,] 10,000 talents of silver, 18,000 talents of brass & 100,000 talents of iron for the service of [God’s] house. And [those who had] precious stones gave them to the [treasury] of the [Lord's] house, [in the care] of Jehiel, the Gershonite.

Then, the people rejoiced, because they offered willingly to the Lord [God] with a perfect heart. And king David also rejoiced with great joy. [For this reason,] David blessed the Lord [in front of] all the congregation. 

And David said, Blessed [are] You, Lord God of Israel, our Father forever & ever. O Lord, Yours is the greatness & the power & the glory, victory & majesty. For all that is in the heaven & the earth is Yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord & You are exalted as Head [over] all. 

Both riches & honor come [from] You & You [rule] over all [things.] And in Your hand is power & [strength] to make great & to give strength to all. Therefore, we now thank You, our God & praise Your glorious Name. 

But who am I & what [are] my people, that we should be able to [generously] offer so willingly [like this?] For all things come from You & we have given You what is Your Own. 

For we are [just] strangers & [travelers like our forefathers,] before You. Our days on earth are [like] a shadow [that fades away] & there is [nothing left.] O Lord, our God, all this [abundance] that we have prepared [is for building] You a house for Your Holy Name & comes [from] Your hand & all [of it] is Your Own.

Also, I know, my God, that You [test] the heart & have pleasure in [righteousness.] As for me, in the [integrity] of my heart, I have willingly offered all these things. 

And now, with joy, I have seen your people, [who] are present here, to offer willingly to You. O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac & Israel, [a.k.a. Jacob,] our [forefathers, kept] this forever in the hearts, thoughts & imaginations of Your people & prepare their hearts [for] You.

And give to my son, Solomon, a perfect heart, to keep Your commandments, Your testimonies & Your [mandates] & to do all these things & to build [Your temple,] for which I have made [provisions.] 

And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the Lord your God. And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their [forefathers] & bowed their heads down & worshiped the Lord & the king. 

And they offered sacrifices to the Lord. And [made] burnt offerings to the Lord, on the [next] day, even [with] 1,000 bulls, 1,000 rams, 1,000 lambs, with their drink offerings & sacrifices in abundance for all Israel. And [they ate & drank] before the Lord on that day with great [joy.]

And they made Solomon, [David's] son, [the] king the 2nd time & anointed him to the Lord, to be the [ruler] & Zadok to be [the] priest. Then, Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord as king, instead of David, his father & prospered & all Israel obeyed him.

All the princes & mighty men & [also] all king [David's other] sons [yielded their authority] to king Solomon. And the Lord magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel & [gave] him such royal majesty, as had not been on any king [prior to Solomon] in Israel.

Thus, David, [Jesse's] son, [ruled] over Israel [for] 40 years. [David ruled] 7 years in Hebron & 33 years, he [ruled] in Jerusalem. And [David] died [at] a good old age, full of [years,] riches & honor. And Solomon, [David's] son, [ruled] in his [place.] 

Now, [look,] the [actions] of king David, 1st & last, are written in the Book of Samuel, the seer & in the book of Nathan, the prophet & the book of Gad, the seer, with all [David's] reign & his might & the [things that happened to] him & over Israel & over all the [neighboring] countries of [the] kingdoms. 


1 Chronicles 28:1-21 David Tells of His Preparations for the Building of the Lord's House


David Tells of His Preparations for the Building of the Lord's House

1 Chronicles 28:1-21                   1 Chronicles in [Smaller Chunks]

David assembled [to] Jerusalem all the [officials] of Israel, the princes, [a.k.a. officials, over] the tribes, [a.k.a. families] & the captains of the companies [who served] the king by [divisions.] 

[Also, he called:] the captains over 1,000's, captains over 100's & the [financial] stewards over all the [finances] & possessions of the: king, his sons, officers, mighty men & all the valiant men. 

Then, king David stood upon his feet & said, [Listen to] me, my [relatives] & my people: As for me, I had [it] in my heart to build a house for [Lord's] Ark of the Covenant [to] rest & for the footstool of our God & had made ready [plans] for building [it.]

But God said to me, You shall not build a house for My Name, because you have been a man of war & have shed blood. [However,] the Lord God of Israel chose me before all the [family] of my father, to be the king over Israel forever. 

For [God]  had chosen Judah to be the ruler. And [from] the [family] of Judah, [God] chose my [family] &  [from] among [family] of my father & among my [father’s] sons, [God] liked me & [made] me king over all Israel. And of all my sons, (for the Lord has given me many sons,) He has chosen Solomon, my son, to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord, over Israel.

[The Lord God,] said to me, Solomon, your son, shall build My house & My [courtyards:] for I have chosen him to be My son & I will be his Father. [Also,] I will establish his kingdom forever, if he [consistently does] My commandments & My judgments, [like] this day.

Therefore, now in the sight of all Israel & the congregation of the Lord & in the audience of our God, seek for & [be careful] to keep all the commandments of the Lord your God: [so] that you may possess this good land & leave it for an inheritance for  your children after you forever.

And you, Solomon, my son, know the God of your father & serve Him with a [blameless] heart & with a willing mind. For the Lord searches all the hearts & understands [every evil plot & thought.] 

If you seek Him, He will be found [by] you. But if you [abandon the Lord God,] He will cast you off forever. [Pay attention] now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary. Be strong & do it.

Then, David gave to his son, Solomon, the pattern, [a.k.a. design or blueprint] of the porch & [its] houses, [its] treasuries, [its] upper [rooms & its] inner parlors & the place of the mercy seat. 

And by the [Holy] Spirit, the pattern of all that he had [been given of:] the [courtyards,] the [Lord’s] house & all the [rooms around it,] the treasuries of God’s] house & the treasuries of the dedicated things. 

Also, for the [divisions] of the priests, Levites & all the work [for serving in] the [Lord's] house & [all articles that pertain to the] service of the [Lord's] house. 

[David] gave gold by weight for [all the] things of gold & for all [the] instruments for every [kind] of service. [He] also gave silver for all instruments of silver, by weight, for instruments of every kind of service.

[David] even [gave] the gold by weight for the gold candlesticks & the gold lamps & for every [gold] candlestick & [its] lamps, by weight. And [he] gave silver for both the candlesticks of silver & also for [its] lamps, according to the use of every candlestick. 

[David] gave by weight, the gold for the tables shewbread, [a.k.a. the consecrated bread,] for every table & [also] silver for tables of silver. [He] also gave pure gold [by weight] for the [meat] hooks, the bowls, cups & every golden basin [sink or bowl.] 

[David also gave] refined gold by weight for the incense altar & gold for the [design] of the chariot of the cherubims [angelic statues,] that spread out their wings & covered the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord [God.] 

David said, All this, the Lord made [possible for] me to understand, the writing by [the Lord God's] hand, [given] to me, even all the [details] of this pattern.

And David said to Solomon, his son, Be strong & of good courage & do it. [Don't be fearful,] nor [distressed:] for the Lord God, [Who is also,] my God, will be with you. He will not fail you, nor [abandon] you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the [Lord's] house. 

And, [look, the divisions] of the priests & the Levites, even [all of them] shall be with you for all the service of [God’s] house. And there shall be with you for all [types] of workmanship, every willing, skilful man, for any [type] of service. Also the princes & all the people will be [totally ready to assist you] at your [command.]


1 Chronicles 27:1-34 The 12 Divisions of David's Army & Their Captains


The 12 Divisions of David's Army & Their Captains

1 Chronicles 27:1-34          1 Chronicles in [Smaller Chunks]

Now after the [census of] the children [people] of Israel, [these are] the [leaders of families] & captains over 1,000's & 100's & their officers [who] served the king in any [matters] of the [military divisions that] came in & went out [every] month throughout the year. 

[There] was 24,000 men in [each division.] Jashobeam, [Zabdiel's] son, [was the captain in charge] over the 1st [division] for the 1st month. And in his [division] were 24,000 [men.]

Of the children [people] of Perez, [who] was the [leader] of all the captains of the [army] for the 1st month. And over the [division] the 2nd month was Dodai, an Ahohite & of his [division] was also Mikloth, the [leader] of his [division of] 24,000 [men.] 

Benaiah, [Jehoiada's] son, a chief priest, was the 3rd captain of the [army] for the 3rd month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.] This is that Benaiah, who was mighty among the 30 & [in charge over] the 30 & his son, Ammizabad, was in his [division.] 

Asahel, [Joab's] brother, was the 4th captain [of the army,] for the 4 th month & Zebadiah, his son, was [captain] after him & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.]  Shamhuth, the Izrahite, [was] the 5th captain [of the army] for the 5th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.] 

Ira, [Ikkesh's] son, the Tekoite, [was] the 6th captain [of the army] for the 6th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.]  Helez, the Pelonite, [from the family] of Ephraim, was the 7th captain [of the army] for the 7th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.]  

Sibbecai, [a.k.a. Sibbekai,] the Hushathite, [from the family] of Zarhites, [a.k.a Zerahite,] was the 8th captain [of the army] for the 8th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.]

Abiezer, the Anethothite, [from the family] of Benjamites, was the 9th captain [of the army] for the 9th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.]  

Maharai, the Netophathite, [from the family] of Zarhites, [a.k.a. Zerahites,] was 10th the captain [of the army] for the 10th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.] 

Benaiah, the Pirathonite, [from the family] of Ephraim, was the 11th captain [of the army] for the 11th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.] Heldai, the Netophathite, [from the family] of Othniel, was the 12th captain [of the army] for the 12th month & in his [division] were 24,000 [men.] 

[Additionally, these were in charge] over the tribes of Israel: Eliezer, the son of Zichri, [a.k.a. Zikri, was the officer] over the Reubenites. Shephatiah, [Maachah's] son, [was the officer] over the Simeonites. 

Hashabiah, [Kemuel's] son, [was the officer] over the Levites. Zadok [was the officer] over the Aaronites. Elihu, one of [David's] brothers, [was the officer over] the [family of]  Judah.

Omri, [Michael's] son, [was the officer] over [the family] of Issachar. Ishmaiah, [Obadiah's] son, [was the officer] over [the family] of Zebulun. Jerimoth, [Azriel's] son, [was the officer] over [the family] of Naphtali.

Hoshea, [Azaziah's] son, [was the officer] over [the family] of Ephraim. Joel, [Pedaiah's] son, [was the officer] over half of the tribe of Manasseh. Iddo, [Zechariah's] son, [was the officer] over [the other] half tribe of Manasseh, in Gilead. 

Jaasiel, [Abner's] son, [was the officer] over [the family] of Benjamin. Azareel, [a.k.a. Azarel, Jeroham's] son, [was the officer] over [the family] of Dan. These were the [leaders] of the tribes of Israel. 

But David [didn't count those] 20 years old & under, because the Lord had said He would increase Israel like the stars of [heaven.] Joab, [Zuriah's] son, began [to count for the census,] but he [didn't] finish, because [the anger of the Lord God,] fell against Israel. 

[1 Chronicles 21:1-2 And Satan stood up against Israel & provoked David to [count] Israel. And David said to Joab & the rulers of the people, Go number Israel from Beer Sheba [all the way] to Dan & bring the number of them to me, that I may know it.] Neither was the number [recorded] in the Chronicles of King David. 

Amaveth, [a.k.a. Azmaveth, Adiel's] son, [was] over the kings' treasures. Jehonathan, [a.k.a. Jonathan, Uzziah's] son, [was] over the storehouses in the fields, cities, villages & in the castles. 

Ezri, the son of Chelub, [a.k.a. Kelub, was in charge] over [those who] work in the field, [tilling the ground. Shimei, the Ramathite, [was in charge] over the vineyards. Zabdi, the Shiphmite, [was in charge] over the [produce] of the vineyards for the wine cellars.

Baal Hanan, the Gederite, [was in charge] over the olives & sycamore trees that were in the low plains. Joash [was in charge] over the cellars of oil. 

Shitrai, the Sharonite, [was in charge] over the herds that [grazed] in Sharon. Shaphat, [Adlai's] son, was [in charge] over the herds [that grazed] in the valleys. Obil, the Ishmaelite, [was in charge] over the camels. 

Jehdeiah, the Meronothite, [was in charge] over the [mules.] Jaziz, the Haagerite, [was in charge] over the flocks. All these were the [officials in charge for] king [David's] property.

Also, [David's] uncle, Jonathan, was a counselor, a wise man & scribe. And Jehiel, son of Hachmoni, [a.k.a. Hakmoni, took care of] the king's sons. And Ahithophel was [king David's] counselor. 

And Hushai, the Archite, [a.k.a. Arkite,] was [king David's] companion. And after Ahithophel, was Jehoiada, [Benaiah's] son & Abiathar. And Joab [was] the general of [king David's] army.


1 Chronicles 26:1-32 The Divisions of the Gatekeepers


The Divisions of the Gatekeepers

1 Chronicles 26:1-32         1 Chronicle in [Smaller Chunks]

[About] the divisions of the [gate keepers: From] the Korhites was Meshelemiah, [Kore’s] son, [from] the [descendants] of Asaph. And [from Meshelemiah’s] sons were: Zechariah, the 1st born; Jediael, 2nd; Zebadiah, 3rd; Jathniel, 4th; Elam, 5th; Jehohanan, 6th; Elioenai, [a.k.a. Eliehoenai,] 7th. 

[Also, Obed Edom's] sons were: Shemaiah, the 1st born; Jehozabad, 2nd; Joah, 3rd; Sacar, [a.k.a. Sachar & Sakar,] 4th; Nethaneel, [a.k.a. Nethanel,] 5th; Ammiel, 6th; Issachar, 7th; Peulthai, [a.k.a. Peullethai,] 8th; for God blessed [Obed Edom.] 

Also, to his son Shemaiah, [who had sons who] ruled throughout the [family] of their father & were mighty men of valor. [Shemaiah's] sons [were:] Othni; Rephael, Obed, Elzabad, whose [brothers:] Elihu & Semachiah were [strong,] able men for service.  [These] 62 [descendants were from] Obed Edom. 

And Meshelemiah had 18 sons & [relatives,] strong men. Also, Hosah, [from the family] of Merari, had sons: Simri, the [leader,] ([although] he wasn't the 1st born, his father [still] made him the [leader.]) 

Hilkiah [was the,] 2nd; Tebaliah, [a.k.a. Tabaliah,] 3rd & Zechariah, 4th. All the sons & [relatives] of Hosah, were 13. Among these were the divisions of the [gate keepers] & [their leaders,] having [offices] one against another, to minister in the [Lord's] house. 

And they cast lots [for each gate, according to their families, the young, as well as, the old,] for every gate. The lot [for the East Gate] fell to Shelemiah. Then, [the next lot was] for Zechariah, his son, a wise counselor. 

They cast lots & his lot came out [for the North Gate.] To Obed Edom & his sons, [the South Gate] & the [storehouse] of Asuppim. To Shuppim & Hosah, the lot [fell] to [the West Gate] with the Shallecheth Gate by the [highway that goes] up [to the Lord’s house,] [with guards stationed one after another.] 

[On the east,] were [stationed] 6 Levites, the [north had 4 guards stationed each] day,  4 a day, [were stationed on the south] & toward [The Storehouses of] Asuppim, [they were stationed in pairs.]

At Parbar [to the west, there were] 4 at the [highway] & 2 at Parbar. These are the divisions of the [gatekeepers who were descendants] of Kore, [a.k.a. Korah] & Merari. [From] the Levites, Ahijah was [in charge] over the treasures & dedicated things of [God's] house. 

[About the sons & descendants] of Laadan, [a.k.a. Ladan, who were Gershonites, the leaders of the forefathers' families,] even Laadan, the Gershonite, were Jehieli. 

[From Jehiieli's] sons: Zetham & Joel, his brother, [who] were [in charge ] over the treasures of the [Lord's] house. [From] the Amramites, the Izharites, the Hebronites & the Uzzielites; Shebuel, [a.k.a. Shubuel & Shubael,] of [Gershom's] son, [who was] the son of Moses, [who] was [the official in charge over] the treasures [of the Lord’s house.]

And his [relatives from Eliezer were:] Rehabiah, his son; Jeshaiah, his son; Joram, his son; Zichri, [a.k.a. Zikri,] his son & Shelomith, his son. Shelomith & his [relatives] were [in charge] over the treasures & dedicated things, [that] David, the king, the [leaders of the forefathers,] the captains over 1,000's & over 100's, the captains of the [army] had dedicated. 

Out of the [plunder] won in battles, they [dedicated these] to maintain [take care of & repair] the [Lord's] house. [Plus] all that Samuel, the seer, Saul, [Kish's] son; Abner, [Ner's] son; Joab, [Zeruiah's] son, had dedicated & [whoever] had dedicated anything. 

It was [all] under the [control] of Shelomith & his [relatives.] [From] the Izharites, Chenaniah & his sons were [in charge over the outside duties] & for [the] officers & judges of Israel. 

And [from] the Hebronites, Hashabiah & his [relatives were] 1,700 men of valor & [who] were officers among them [in charge over] Israel on this [side of the] Jordan [River,] westward [related] to all the business of [the Lord's] house & in the service of the king. 

Among the Hebronites, Jerijah was the [leader,] even among the Hebronites, according to the generations of his [forefathers.] In the 40th year David [ruled,] [Jerijah's relatives,] 2,700 men of valor, [leaders of their families,] that were sought [after & were] found among [the] mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.

And king David made [them] rulers over the Reubenites, Gadites & 1/2 the tribe of Manasseh, for every matter pertaining to God & [to the] affairs of the king. 


1 Chronicles 25:1-31 Those Who Did the Service of Music for the Lord God


Those Who Did the Service of Music for the Lord God

1 Chronicles 25:1-31    1 Chronicles in [Smaller Chunks]

[Also,] David & the captains of the [army] separated [some] of the sons of Asaph, Heman & Jeduthun to [serve the Lord by prophesying, accompanied by]  harps, [lyres] & cymbals.

The number of the workmen according to their service was: [From Asaph's] sons: Zaccur, [a.k.a. Zakkur,] Joseph, Nethaniah & Asarelah, under the [supervision] of Asaph, [their father, who] prophesied according to the order of the king.

[From the descendants of] Jeduthun: [from Jeduthun’s] sons: Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, [a.k.a. Shimei,] Hashabiah, Mattithiah, 6, under the [supervision] of their father, Jeduthun, who prophesied [along] with a harp, to give thanks & praise to the Lord [God.]

[From  the descendants] of Heman: [from Heman’s] sons: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, [a.k.a. Shubael,] Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti,  Romamti Ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, Mahazioth. 

All these were the sons of Heman, the king’s seer, in the Words of God, to lift up the horn. And God gave to Heman 14 sons & 3 daughters. All these were under the [supervision] of their [fathers,] for [singing & music] in the house of the Lord [God,] with cymbals, [lyres] & harps, according to the king's order to Asaph, Jeduthun & Heman.

So the [amount] of them, with their [relatives who] were instructed in the songs of the Lord, even all 288 [who] were [skilled & trained in music.] And they cast lots [among divisions, to be assigned to their duties, both young & old, teacher & student alike.] 

Now, the 1st lot [that was for Asaph's family went to:] Joseph. The 2nd to Gedaliah, who with his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 3rd to Zaccur, [a.k.a. Zakkur, who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. 

The 4th to Izri, [a.k.a. Zeri, who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 5th to Nethaniah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 6th to Bukkiah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12.

The 7th to Jesharelah, [a.k.a. Jesarelah & Asarelah, who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 8th to Jeshaiah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 9th to Mattaniah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. 

The 10th to Shimei, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 11th to Azareel, [a.k.a. Azarel & Uzziel, who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 12th to Hashabiah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. 

The 13th to Shubael, [a.k.a. Shebuel, who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 14th to Mattithiah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 15th to Jeremoth, [a.k.a. Jerimoth, who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. 

The 16th to Hananiah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 17th to Joshbekashah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 18th to Hanani, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12.

The 19th to Mallothi, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 20th to Eliathah, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 21st to Hothir, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12.

The 22nd to Giddalti, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 23rd to Mahazioth, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12. The 24th to Romamti Ezer, [who with] his [relatives] & sons [totaled] 12.