Woe to Foolish Prophets Who Follow Their Desires & Haven't Seen a Vision |
Ezekiel 13:1-23 The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks] |
And the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, [who] prophesy & you say to [those who] prophesy [from] their own hearts, You, hear the Word of the Lord. [Jeremiah 13:17 But if you won't hear it, My soul shall weep in secret places for your pride. And [My] eye shall [severely] weep & run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive.] |
The Lord God says [this;] Woe, [a.k.a. distress,] to the foolish prophets, [who] follow their own spirit & have seen nothing! O Israel, your prophets are like the [fox] in the deserts. |
You haven't gone up into the gaps & neither [have you] made up the [hedges] for the house of Israel to stand in [during] the battle [on] the day of the Lord. They have seen [what is worthless] vanity & lying divination, saying, The Lord says. |
[But] the Lord hasn't sent them. And they have made others hope that they would confirm [their] word. Haven't you seen [what is a worthless] vain vision & haven't you spoken a lying divination, [since] you say, The Lord says it? [However,] I haven't spoken. |
Therefore, the Lord God says [this;] Because you have spoken [what is] vanity & [have] seen [what are] lies, therefore, [watch,] I Am against you, says the Lord God. And [My] hand shall be upon the prophets [who] see [what is] vanity & divine lies. |
They shall not be in the assembly of My people & neither shall they be written in the [records] of the house of Israel. Neither shall they enter into the land of Israel & you shall know that I Am the Lord God. |
[Jeremiah 20:5-6 [Also,] I will deliver all the strength of this city; [its] labors; all [its] precious things; & all the treasures of the kings of Judah & I will give [them] into the hand of their enemies, [who] shall [plunder] them & [capture] them & carry them to Babylon. |
And you, Pashur, & all [who] dwell in your house, shall go into captivity. And you shall come to Babylon & you shall die there & you & all your friends, to whom you have prophesied lies, shall be buried there.] |
Because, even [though] they have seduced My people, saying, Peace; and there [wasn't any] peace. And [someone] built up a wall & [look,] others [plastered] it with [mortar that wasn't cured.] [Jeremiah 23:13-14 And I have seen [foolishness] in the prophets of Samaria. They have prophesied [by] Baal & caused My people, Israel, to [go astray.] |
I have also seen a horrible thing in the prophets of Jerusalem. They commit adultery & [follow] [what are] lies. They also strengthen the hands of [those who do evil, so] that none return from his wickedness. They are all of them to Me [like] Sodom & the [residents of it, like] Gomorrah.] |
Say to [those who plaster] it with [uncured] mortar, that it shall fall. And a stormy wind shall [tear it to pieces] & there shall be an overflowing shower [like] [large] hailstones [on] you. [Look,] when the wall [has] fallen, [won't] it be said to you, Where is the [plaster with which] you have [plastered] it? |
Therefore, the Lord God says [this;] I will even [tear it to pieces] with a stormy wind in My fury. And there shall be an overflowing shower in [My] anger & [large] hailstones to [destroy] it in My [rage.] So, I will break down the wall that you have [plastered with uncured] mortar & bring it down to the ground. So that the foundation [of it] shall be discovered & it shall fall. |
And you shall be [destroyed] in the midst [of it.] And you shall know that I Am the Lord. [Like this,] I will accomplish My wrath upon the wall & upon [those who plastered it with uncured] mortar & will say to you, The wall no [longer] [exists] & neither do [those who plastered] it. [That is,] the prophets of Israel, [who] prophesy [about] Jerusalem & [who] see peace for her & there isn't [any] peace, says the Lord God. |
[Also,] you, Son of man, [turn] your face against the daughter of My people, [who] prophesy [from] their own heart & you, prophesy against them. And say, The Lord God says [this;] Woe to the women [who] sew pillows, [a.k.a. charms] to all the [sleeves'] armholes & make kerchiefs, [a.k.a. veils] upon the [heads] of [those of] every [height] to hunt [& ensnare] souls! |
Will you hunt the souls of My people & will you save the souls alive that come to you? [2 Peter 2:14-15 Those [who] can't [stop] from sin; having eyes full of adultery & [enticing] unstable souls. [With a] heart, they have exercised with [greedy] practices, [they are] cursed children: [who] have [abandoned] the right [path] & have gone astray, following the [ways] of Baalim, [Bosor's] son, who loved the wages of unrighteousness.] |
And will you [defile] Me among My people for handfuls of barley & pieces of bread, to slay the souls [of those who] shouldn't die & save the souls alive [of those who] shouldn't live, by your lying to My people, [who] hear your lies? |
[For this reason,] The Lord God says [this; Watch,] I Am against your pillows, [with which] you hunt the souls, to make them fly [like birds.] And I will tear them from [the] arms [of] your [sleeves] & will let the souls go [free,] even the souls that you hunt to make them fly. |
I will also tear your kerchiefs & deliver My people out of your [hands.] And they shall no [longer be] in your hand to be hunted. And you shall know that I Am the Lord. Because you have made the [hearts] of the righteous sad with lies, whom I haven't made sad. |
And [you] strengthened the hands of the wicked, [so] that he [wouldn't] return from his wicked [ways,] by promising him life. Therefore, you shall no [longer] see [what is] vanity, nor [falsely] divine, divinations, [a.k.a. visions.] For I will deliver My people [from] your [hands] & you shall know that I Am the Lord. |