The Man Continues to Measure the Lord's Temple |
Ezekiel 41:1-26 The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks] |
[Ezekiel 40:2-3 In the visions of God, He brought me into the land of Israel & [put] me upon a very high mountain, [in] which, [on] the South, was [what looked like] the [shape] of a city. And He brought me [there] & [I] saw, a man was [there,] whose appearance was like brass, with a flax [measuring] line in his hand & a [measuring] reed & he stood in the gate.] |
[Later,] he brought me to the temple & measured the [door] posts, 6 cubits [wide,] on the one side & 6 cubits [wide] on the other side, which [were across] the width of the tabernacle. |
And the [width] of the [entrance] door was 10 cubits & the sides [next to] the door were 5 cubits on one side & 5 cubits on the other side. And he measured [the temple's] length: 40 cubits & [its width:] 20 cubits. |
Then, he went [inside] & measured [each of] the [doorway's side posts;] 2 cubits; the door [was] 6 cubits [high] & the [width] of [each of] the [2 doors:] 7 cubits. |
And he said to me, This is the Most Holy Place, [a.k.a. The Holy of Holies.] After he measured the wall of the [Lord's] house, [a.k.a. the temple:] 6 cubits & the width of every side [room:] 4 cubits, [all around] the house on every side. |
And the side [rooms] were [in] 3 [stories,] one [room] over another & [there was a total of:] 30 [side rooms: 5 on the North side of all 3 stories & 5 on the South side of all 3 stories.] |
And they entered into the [walled staircase,] which was for the side [rooms] of the [Lord's] house, [all around it, so] that they might [take] hold [of the staircase rails,] but not hold [onto] the wall of the [Lord's] house. And there was an [enlarged opening] & a winding [staircase, going] upward [to the side rooms] [around] the [Lord's] house. |
[1 Kings 6:8 The door for the middle [story] was [on] the right side of the house & they went up with winding stairs into the middle [story] & out of the middle & into the third [story.] |
Therefore, the [width] of the house increased [upward] from the lowest [rooms] to the highest, [through] the midst [of it.] [1 Kings 6:5-6 And against the wall of the [Lord's] house, he built [rooms around it,] both of the temple & of the oracle, [a.k.a. The Holy of Holies,] & he made [rooms around it.] |
The [rooms] [on the bottom story] [were] 5 cubits [wide] & the [rooms on the] middle [story] [were] 6 cubits [wide] & the [rooms on the] third [story] [were] 7 cubits [wide.] For [outside] in the wall of the [Lord's] house, he made [narrow ledges around it so] that the beams shouldn't be fastened to the wall of the [Lord's] house.] |
I also saw the height of the [Lord's] house & [around it.] The foundations of the side [rooms] were a full reed of 6 great cubits. The thickness of the wall, for the side [rooms outside,] was 5 cubits & [what] was left was the [open] place, [a.k.a. terrace, for] the side [rooms] that were [inside.] |
And between the [entrance of the] [rooms] [outside & the entrance of the rooms inside] was [a distance of] 20 cubits, around, [including the 5 cubit thick walls of] the [Lord's] house on every side [of the first story.] |
And the doors of the side [rooms faced] the [open] place that was left, 1 door toward the North & another door toward the South. [The entrance of the 5 rooms inside of each of the 3 stories on the North side, would open to the South & [its] terrace door would open to the North. |
The entrance of the 5 rooms inside on each of the 3 stories on the South side, would open to the North & [its] terrace door would open to the South.] And the width of the [terrace] that was left, was 5 cubits, all around it.] |
Now the building that was [in front of] the separate [courtyard] at the end, [faced] West & was 70 cubits [wide] & 90 cubits long. And the [building's] wall was 5 cubits thick [all around it.] |
So, he measured the [Lord's] house, 100 cubits long. And the separate [courtyard] & the building with [its] walls, [were] 100 cubits long. Also, the [width] of the [front] of the house & the separate [courtyard facing] East, [was] 100 cubits long. |
And he measured the length of the building [facing] the separate [courtyard that] was behind it & [its] galleries, [a.k.a. hallways or walkways] on one side & on the other side, [were] 100 cubits. |
[This included:] the inner temple; the [court's] porches, [a.k.a. covered porches & vestibules,] door posts; narrow windows; & the [hallways all around] on [its] 3 stories, [opposite the door's threshold,] [which were:] paneled all around] with wood from the ground up to the windows. |
And the windows were covered, [even] above the [door, a.k.a. transom window;] even to the inner house, [a.k.a. The Holy of Holies;] & [outside] by all the [walls around it, inside & outside,] by [measurement.] |
And it was [carved] with cherubims, [a.k.a. angelic figures,] & palm trees. So, that a palm tree was between a cherub & [another] cherub. And every cherub had 2 faces; so that the face of man was toward the palm tree on one side & the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side. |
It was [carved all around] through the [Lord's] house. [There] were cherubims & palm trees made, from the ground to above the door & on the wall of the temple, [a.k.a. Sanctuary.] |
The [temple's] door] posts were squared, [as was] the [front] of the Sanctuary. The appearance of one [doorpost] was [like] the other. The wood altar was 3 cubits high & [its] length, 2 cubits. And [its:] corners; [its] length & [its] walls, were [made] of wood. |
And he said to me, This is the table before the Lord. And the temple & the Sanctuary had 2 doors, [a.k.a. double doors.] And the 2 doors [each] had 2 [folding] leaves, [a.k.a. panels.] 2 [panels] for the one door & 2 [panels] for the other door. |
And cherubims & palm trees were [carved] on the doors of the temple, like [those carved] upon the walls. And there [was a wooden canopy] upon the [front] of the [outside] porch, [made with] thick planks. |
And there were narrow windows, [with] palm trees on [either side of them] & on the sides of the porch & upon the side [rooms] of the [Lord's] house & [on the canopies.] |