Job Replied to Bildad |
Job 26:1-14 Book of Job [in Smaller Chunks] |
Job answered & said, How have you helped him, [who] is without power? How [did you] save the arm that has no strength? How have you counseled him [who] has no wisdom? |
And how have you declared this [multitude of sound advice,] as it is? To whom have you uttered words? And whose spirit came from you? Under the waters, dead things & [its] inhabitants [tremble.] |
Hell is [lays bare] before [the Lord God] & destruction has no covering [in which to hide.] [God] stretches out the north over the empty place & hangs the earth upon [what was] nothing. |
[God ties up] the waters [within] His thick clouds & [still] the clouds aren't [torn below] them. [God] holds back the [front] of His throne & spreads His cloud upon it. |
[Isaiah 66:1 The Lord said [this,] The heaven is My throne & the earth is My footstool. Where is the house that you build [for] Me? And where is the place [for] My [feet to] rest?] |
[God] has [surrounded] the waters with [boundaries,] until the day & night come to an end. [Heaven's] pillars tremble & are astonished at [God's disapproval.] [God] divides the sea with His power & by His understanding He [strikes down] the proud. |
By [God's] Spirit, He has [decorated] the heavens [with stars.] His hand has [even] formed the [deceitful snake.] [Look,] these are parts of [God's] ways. But how little is heard [from] Him. But who can understand the thunder of His power? |