About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible::

About the Author of the Blogsite, Not the Author of the Bible: I was uncertain of how to accomplish this, mindful of Revelation 22:18-19, which says that nobody is to add to, or to take away from what was written in the Bible. After lots of prayerful contemplation, the Lord had it on my heart that I’m not to change the meaning of what is written in the Bible. He has also shown ways to add to people’s understating of that meaning, without altering the meaning, by putting that info within [brackets]. This is primarily accomplished with the KJV Bible and lots of prayers, but at times, BibleGateway.com, Biblehub.com, NIV Bible, Webster Dictionary, and other internet resources, as needed. Debra Seiling

About Understanding the Bible:

Understanding the Bible: After reading Isaiah 28:10 many times over the years and not totally understanding it, it recently became apparent to me that the Lord God has this passage as the means for understanding the Bible. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Isaiah 28:10 KJV. Being prayerful about this passage, and looking up 'precept' in the Webster's Dictionary, it gave this passage a whole new meaning, once 'commandment' is substituted for 'precept'. Within brackets are additional words the Lord had on my heart to aid in understanding the meaning. For commandment must be [built up] upon commandment; commandment upon commandment; line upon line, line upon line; [developing understanding] here a little, and there a little.

The Table Format:

The Table Format: I was overwhelmed with how to explain the process for determining if someone had leprosy in Leviticus 13, which seemed very complicated. After praying, "Lord, if this is difficult for me to understand after reading it many times, how can this be explained to others?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was for me to put it into a vertical chart to visually see the process. This made it much easier for me to follow the progression. After doing so, I prayed, "Lord, how can this be conveyed to readers, so that they can understand this process?" The thought the Lord God had on my heart was to put it within the lines of a table. Being a stiff-necked, stubborn person, as it's often called in the Bible, I prayed, asking the Lord God if He's sure that's really what He wanted me to do? I reluctantly put Leviticus 13 into a table format. When I read this difficult leprosy process within a table format, it suddenly became easier for me to understand. That's because it builds line upon line, as explained in the Understanding the Bible section. Shortly after that, the Lord God had it on my heart, to put all of The Books of the Bible in Smaller Chunks within a table format, to aid in understanding, line upon line.


Ecclesiastes 12:1-14 While Young, Remember God to Get You Through the Bad Times


While Young, Remember God to Get You Through the Bad Times

Ecclesiastes 12:1-14            The Book of Ecclesiastes [in Smaller Chunks]

Now, [during] the days of your youth, remember your Creator, while the evil [years haven't] come [yet.] Nor [do] the years draw [near,] when you shall say, I have no pleasure in them: while the sun, the light, the moon, or the stars [haven't been] darkened, nor [do] the clouds return after the rain. 

[Psalm 90:10 The days of your [life] are 70 years & if [because] of strength, they [are] [increased to] 80 years, [still] their strength [dwindles &] labor & sorrow [are increased;] for it is soon cut off & we [disappear.]

[On] the day when the house keepers shall tremble & the strong men shall [stoop over] & the [mill] grinders stop, because [there] are few [left] & those [who] look out of the windows [that are] darkened & the doors [are] shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low. And he shall rise up at the [sound] of the bird & all the daughters of music, shall be brought low.

Also, when mourners go [around] the streets & desire shall fail, they shall be afraid of [what] is [lofty] & fears shall be [on] the [path,] because man goes to his [eternal] home, [although] the almond tree [still flourishes] & the grasshoppers, shall [still] be a burden.] 

[Life is fragile, like] [whenever] the cord is [loosened,] or the golden bowl [is] broken, or the pitcher is [shattered] at the fountain, or the wheel is broken at the [well.] Then the dust shall return to the earth as it was & the spirit shall return to God, Who gave it. Vanity of vanities, says the preacher. All is vanity.

[Psalm 39:5-7 [Look,] You have made my days [limited] [like the width] of a hand & my age is [like] nothing before You. [Truly,] every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah.

Surely, every man [follows like a shadow & surely, they are [distressed] in vain. He, [who] heaps up riches, [doesn't] know who shall gather them. And Lord, now what [do] I wait for? My hope is in You.] 

And [also,] because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge. [Yes,] he [paid] good [attention] & sought out & [put] in order many proverbs. 

The preacher sought to find out [appropriate, righteous] words that were written, even words of truth. The words of the wise are [like stickers] & like nails fastened by the master [instructors, who] are given from One Shepherd.  

[2 Corinthians 12:7-9 And lest I should be [praised] above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh. The messenger of Satan to [push against] me, lest I should be [held in high regard beyond] measure. 

I [appealed] to the Lord [3 times,] for this thing, that it might depart from me. And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you. For My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, most gladly, I will rather [boast] in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.]

And there is no end of making many books & much [studying tires the body.] [Instead,] my son, be [advised] further by these. Let's hear the conclusion of [this] whole matter: Fear [respect] God & keep His commandments. 

For this is the whole [responsibility] of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it [is] good, or whether it [is] evil. [Revelation 22:12-17 And, [watch,] I come quickly & My reward is with Me & shall be to give every man according [to] his work. I Am [the] Alpha & [the] Omega, the Beginning & the End, the First & the Last. 

Blessed are [those who] do His commandments, [so] that they may have right to the Tree of Life & may enter in through the gates into the city. For [outside] are dogs, sorcerers, [sexual traffickers,] murderers, idolaters & [whoever] loves [to] lie & makes [lies.] 

I, Jesus, have sent [My] Angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I Am the Root & the Offspring of David & the Bright & Morning Star. And the Spirit & the bride say, Come. And let him [who] hears say, Come. And let him [who is thirsty,] come. And [whoever is willing,] let him take the Water of Life freely.]