God has Ezekiel Prophesy Upon the Bones in the Valley |
Ezekiel 37:1-28 The Book of Ezekiel [in Smaller Chunks] |
The hand of the Lord was upon me & the Spirit of the Lord, carried me out & [put] me down in the midst of the valley [that] was full of bones & [had] me [go all around] them. And [I] [looked] & there were very many [bones] in the open valley & [saw,] they were very very dry. |
And He said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, You know. Again, He said to me, Prophesy to these bones & say to them, O you dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord. |
The Lord God says [this;] to these bones; [Look,] I will cause breath to enter into you & you shall live. [Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man [from] the dust of the ground & breathed the breath of life into his nostrils & man became a living soul.] |
And I will lay [muscles] upon you & will bring flesh upon you & cover you with skin & put breath in you & you shall live. And you shall know that I Am the Lord. So, I prophesied [like] I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was noise & [I] [saw] a shaking & the bones came together, bone to [its] bone. |
And when I [saw,] the [muscles] & the flesh came up, upon them & the skin covered [over] them, but there wasn't [any] breath in them. Then, He said to me, Prophesy to the wind. |
Son of man, prophesy & say to the wind, The Lord God says [this;] Come from the 4 winds, O breath, & breathe upon these slain, [so] that they may live. So, I prophesied, [like] He commanded me & the breath came into an [exceedingly large] army [of] them & they lived & stood up upon their feet. |
Then, He saId to me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. [Look,] they say, Our bones are dried & our hope is lost. We are cut off [from] our parts. [Psalm 141:7 Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, [a.k.a. tomb's opening, like] when [someone cuts & splits] wood upon the [ground.] |
Therefore, prophesy & say to them, The Lord God says [this; See,] O My people, I will open your graves & cause you to come up out of your graves & bring you into the land of Israel. [John 11:38-44 Therefore, Jesus [came] again to the grave, groaning [within] Himself. |
It was a cave & a stone, [a.k.a. large rock] lay upon it. Jesus said, You, take away the stone. Martha, the sister of [Lazarus, who] was dead, [said] to Him, Lord, by this time, he stinks: for he has been dead 4 days. Jesus [said] to her, [Didn't] I [say] to you, that, if you would believe, you should see the glory of God? |
Then, they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up His eyes & said, Father, I thank You, that You have heard Me. And I knew that You always hear Me. But because of the people, [who] stand by, I said it, [so] that they may believe that You [have] sent Me. |
And when He had spoken [this,] He cried [out] with a loud voice, Lazarus, come [out.] And he, [who] was dead, came [out tied] hand & foot, with grave [cloths.] And his face was [tied around] with a napkin. Jesus [said] to them, [Loosen] him & let him go. Then, many of the Jews, [who] came to Mary & had seen the things, [that] Jesus did, believed [in] Him.] |
O My people, you shall know that I Am the Lord, when I have opened your graves & brought you up out of your graves & shall put My Spirit [within] you & you shall live. [Daniel 12:2 And many of [those, who] sleep in the [dirt] of the earth, shall awake, some to everlasting life & some to shame & everlasting contempt.] |
And I shall place you in your own land & then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it & [accomplished] it, says the Lord. The Word of the Lord came to me again, saying, [Additionally,] you, Son of man, take [for yourself] one stick & write upon it: For Judah & for the children [people] of Israel & [their] companions. |
Then, take another stick & write upon it: For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim & for all the house of Israel & [their] companions. And join them one to another, [like] one stick & they shall become one in your hand. And when the children of your people shall speak to you, saying, Won't you show us what you mean by these? |
Say to them, The Lord God says [this; Look,] I will take the stick of Joseph, [that] is in the hand of Ephraim & the tribes of Israel & his [companions] & will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah & make them one stick & they shall be one in [My] hand. |
[Zechariah 10:6 And I will strengthen the house of Judah & I will save the house of Joseph. And I will [return] them again, to [settle] them. For I have mercy upon them. And they shall be as though I hadn't cast them off. For I Am the Lord their God & [I] will hear them.] |
And the sticks [on which] you [write] shall be in your hand, [in front of] their eyes. And say to them, The Lord God says [this, See,] I will take the children [people] of Israel from [where] they have gone among the heathen & will gather them on every side & bring them into their own land. |
And I will make them one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Israel. And one king shall be king, [for] them all. And they shall no [longer] be two nations. Neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms, at all, anymore. ] |
[Isaiah 11:13 Also, the envy of Ephraim shall [leave] & the [enemies] of Judah shall be cut off. Ephraim shall not envy Judah & Judah shall not [trouble] Ephraim. |
Neither shall they defile themselves anymore with their: idols; their detestable things, nor with any of their [sins.] But I will save them [from] all their dwelling places, in [which] they have sinned & will cleanse them, so they shall be My people & I will be their God. |
*And David, My servant, shall be king over them & they all shall have One Shepherd. [John 10:14-15 I Am the Good Shepherd & know My sheep & Am known [by] Mine. [Like] the Father knows Me, even so, I know the Father & I lay down My life for the sheep.] |
They shall also [follow] in My judgments & [obey] My [mandates] & do them. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob, [a.k.a. Israel,] My servant, [in which] your [forefathers] have dwelt. And they shall dwell [there,] even they & their children & their children's children, forever. |
And My servant, David, shall be their prince forever. [Revelation 22:16-17 I, Jesus, have sent [My] Angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I Am the Root & the Offspring of David & the Bright & Morning Star. And the Spirit & the bride say, Come. And let him [who hears] say, Come. And let him, [who] is [thirsty] come. And [whoever] is [willing,] let him take the Water of Life freely.] |
[Also,] I will make a covenant [contract] of peace with them. It shall be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will [settle] them & multiply them & will [put] My sanctuary in the midst of them forever more. |
[Psalm 89:3-4 I have made a covenant with My chosen & I have sworn to David, My servant. I will establish your seed, [a.k.a. offspring or descendants] forever & build up your throne [for] all generations. Selah.] |
Also, My tabernacle shall be with them. [Yes,] I will be their God & they shall be My people. And the heathen shall know that when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them, that I, the Lord, do sanctify Israel forever more. |
[Ezekiel 20:12 [Also,] I gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between Me & them, [so] that they might know that I Am the Lord, [Who sanctifies] them.] |