The Birth of 11 of Jacob’s Children |
Genesis 30:1-43 The First Book of Moses Called Genesis |
When Rachel saw that she had [given] Jacob no children, she envied her sister, [Leah.] [Rachel] said to Jacob, Give me children or else I die! [Jacob's] anger [grew] & he said, Am I in [place of God, Who has withheld [children] from you? She [told Jacob, See] my maid, Bihah, go in [& be intimate with her] & she shall bear [children] upon my knees [so that] I may have children by her. [Rachel] gave [Jacob,] Bilhah, her handmaid [as a] wife & Jacob [was intimate] with her. |
Bilhah conceived & [bore] Jacob a son. Rachel said, God has judged me & has heard my voice & given me a son. Therefore, [Rachel] called his name Dan. Rachel’s maid, Bilhah, conceived again & [bore] Jacob a 2nd son. Rachel said, With great [struggles,] I have wrestled with my sister & I have prevailed. She called his name Naphtali. |
When Leah [realized] she had [stopped] bearing [children], she gave Zilpah, her maid, to Jacob [as a] wife & Leah's maid [bore] Jacob a son. Leah said, A troop is coming & called his name Gad. Leah’s maid, Zilpah, [bore] Jacob a 2nd son & Leah said, Happy, am I for the daughters will call me blessed & she called his name Asher. |
When it was [the time] of the wheat harvest, Reuben found mandrakes in the field & took them to his mother, Leah. Rachel [asked,] I pray [that] you give me [some] of your son’s mandrakes. [Leah] said, Is it a small matter [to you] that you have taken away my husband? Would you take away my son’s mandrakes also? |
Rachel said, Therefore, [Jacob] will lie with thee tonight for your son’s mandrakes. [When] Jacob came out of the field in the evening, Leah went to meet him & said, You must come & [be intimate] with me, because I have surely hired you with my son’s mandrakes & he lay with her that night. |
God [listened] to Leah & she [became pregnant & bore] Jacob the 5th son. [And Leah] said, God has given me my hire, because I have given my maiden to my husband & she called his name was Issachar. [Then,] Leah [became pregnant again & bore] Jacob the 6th son. And Leah said, God has endowed me with a good [gift for my husband;] now [Jacob] will dwell with me, because I have [given birth to] 6 sons [for] him. |
[Leah] called his name Zebulun. Afterward, [Leah bore] a daughter & called her name Dinah. [Then,] God remembered Rachel & [listened] to her & opened her womb. And she [bore] a son & said, God has taken away my reproach. [Rachel] called him Joseph & said, The Lord will [give] to me another son. |
[It [happened] when Rachel had Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Send me away, [so] that I may go to my own place & to my country. Give me my wives & my children, for whom I have served you & let me go: for you know my service that I have done for you. |
Laban said to him, I pray [that] if I’ve found favor in your eyes, stay, for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for your sake. [Laban asked,Tell] me [what you want for] your wages & I will give it. And [Jacob said to Laban,] You know how I have served you & how your [sheep] were with me. |
For you had [few] before I came & now it [has] increased to a multitude, because the Lord has blessed you, since my coming. Now, [how] shall I provide for my own house, also? [Laban] said, What shall I give you? |
Jacob said, If you do this thing for me, you [don’t] have to give me anything & I will again feed & [tend] your flock. I would pass through all your flock today, removing from [there] all the speckled & spotted [livestock] & all the brown [livestock] among the sheep & speckled & spotted among the goats & [these will] be my [wages.] |
[This way, in the future, my righteousness shall answer for me, when [I] shall come before you [about my wages.] Everyone that isn't speckled & spotted among the goats & brown among the sheep with me, [shall be considered] stolen. Laban said, [Look, It should] be according to your word. |
[So] that day, [Laban] removed all the [male] goats that were [steaked] & spotted & all the [female] goats that were speckled & spotted. And everyone that had some white in it & all the brown among the sheep & [put] them into the [hands] of his sons. And [Laban put] a 3 day journey between himself & Jacob. And Jacob fed the rest of Laban’s flocks. |
Jacob peeled white strips to make the white appear in the rods of green poplar, hazel & chestnut [trees] & set the rods [that] he had [peeled] in the gutters in the watering troughs. [So] when the flocks came to drink, they would conceive before the rods & the flocks [delivered livestock] speckled & spotted & [streaked offspring] & he kept his flock separate from Laban’s. |
Jacob [separated] the lambs & [had them face toward] the [streaked] & all the brown of [Laban's] flock. [Jacob] put his own flocks by themselves & [didn't] put them [with] Laban's [livestock.] |
It [happened, whenever] the stronger [livestock] conceived, Jacob [put] the rods in the gutters [in front of] the eyes of the [livestock, so] that they might conceive among the rods. But when the [livestock] were [weak, Jacob didn't] put them in. So, the [weaker livestock] were Laban's & the stronger [were] Jacob's. [Jacob became] exceedingly [prosperous] & had [large flocks, male & female servants] & camels & [donkeys.] |