The Lord Talks to Job About the Monstrous Behemoth |
Job 40:1-23 Book of Job [in Smaller Chunks] |
[Additionally,] the Lord answered Job & said, Shall he [who argues] with the Almighty instruct Him? Let him who [scolds] God answer it. Then, Job answered the Lord & said, [Look,] I'm [repulsive.] What shall I answer You? I will lay my hand [over] my mouth. |
[Job 29:9-10 The princes refrained [from] talking & laid their hand on their mouth. The nobles held their piece & their tongue [stuck] to the roof of their mouth.] |
Once I have spoken, but I will not answer: [yes,] twice, but I will proceed no further. Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind & said, [Belt] up your [waist] now like a man. I will demand [questions] of you & you will declare [the answers] to Me. Will you also [invalidate] My judgment? |
Will you [also] condemn Me, [so] that you may be righteous? [Do] you have an arm like God? [Psalm 89:13-14 You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand & high is Your right hand. Justice & judgment are the habitation of Your throne: mercy & truth shall go before Your face.] |
Or can you thunder with a voice like [God?] [Psalm 29:3-4 The voice of the Lord is upon the water. The God of glory [thunders.] The Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful & is full of majesty.] |
[Decorate] yourself now with majesty & [excellence] & [clothe] yourself with glory & beauty. Cast [away] the rage of your [anger] & [see] everyone [who] is proud, & humble him. |
Look on everyone [who] is proud & bring him low & [trample] down the wicked in their [hiding] place. Hide them in the [grave's dirt] together & [cover] their faces in secret. [Isaiah 2:12 For the day of the Lord of Hosts, shall be upon everyone, [who] is proud & [arrogant] & everyone who is lifted up & he shall be brought low.] |
Then, I will also confess to you that your own right hand can save you. [Look,] now the [monstrous] Behemoth, which I made with you, [since you imply you were there at creation.] He eats grass [like] an ox. [Look] now, his strength is in his [groin] & his force is in his [stomach muscles.] |
He moves his tail like a cedar [tree.] The [muscles] of his [thighs] are wrapped together. His bones are [like] strong as pieces of brass. His bones are like bars of iron. He is the [leader] of [paths] of God. |
He [Who] made him, can make his sword approach [the behemoth.] Surely, the mountains [produce] food [for] him, where all the [animals] of the field play. [Psalm 104:14 [God] causes the grass to grow for the cattle & the herb for the service of men: [so] he may [produce] food out of the earth.] |
[The Behemoth] lies under the shady trees [hidden in] the [reeds & marsh.] The shady trees cover him with their shadow. The willows of the brook [surround] him. |
[Look, the Behemoth] drinks up a river & [doesn't hurry.] He trusts that he can draw up the Jordan [River] into his mouth [like a straw.] [Will any take the Behemoth right before] his eyes, [when] his nose pierces through [traps?] |